It all began this morning while I was closing the door and your scent lingered in my nostrils. I knew without a doubt tonight was going to be the night that we reacquainted ourselves with each other. It's been an entire year since I've had the taste and smell of you. I put you to the back of my mind and went to work, I knew I couldn't do much if my every thought was focused on you. Little did I know on my way home someone would remind me of you!
The man standing behind me had a familiar odour emanating from his bag. I knew it was exactly your scent, after all we have been together long enough that I know your scent. This reminded me why I really wanted to get home so badly.
I got home. I needed to put my purchases away before indulging in the pleasure I knew was awaiting me in a few minutes. Its been a long time so I wanted to prolong the wait, I rearranged my room, clean the house, open packages, all while you chilled no doubt knowing what was going to be the outcome of this evening's activities.
It appeared my senses knew what it wanted even while my brain refused to acknowledge you. After an hour of being busy my senses had enough! I walked over to the fridge and extricated you from your resting place. I inhaled, chilled or not you smell the same, you have that unmistakable odour. Yes, we were both ready for this!
You felt so comfortable and familiar in my palm, yet I knew you were brand new. I positioned myself on the settee, all the while thinking I must find the right place 'cause I don't want a drop to go to waste. I was in position, I took another whiff of you. Unlike some I don't need papers, towels or plate 'cause I know every drop is going one place - my tummy. My mind is screaming for the sheer bliss that comes with the real taste of you. And then I bit in! My taste buds exploded, my mind went wild! I've waited for way too long for this euphoria! I devoured you, all the while savoring the taste that only you my faithful Julie Mango can have. I've had others and believe me I love only one other, but you my Julie holds a special place that no other can take. My only other love also has its special place. Tomorrow I will ensure that place gets rewarded for its patience but now My Julie, it's just the two of us.
I exhaled with pleasure, knowing unless one of my friends gave me another this might be just one of two times this mango season that I will experience this pleasure. I promised to plant a tree in the desert-like landscape of my backyard but I knew the evidence of my satiated need could not produce a seed.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end and indeed My Julie you did. But I know without a doubt there must be another opportunity this mango season for me to savour you. This cannot be our last encounter for this another mango season.