Friday 21 September 2012

Do murderers cry?

Nature vs nurture has been debated for years. Pro-nature believes behavior, character is inbred. They believe an individual is born with particular traits thus making them more inclined to a particular set if behavior or actions. Pro-nuture, on the other hand, believes the individual is a product of society. The individual is a product of their experience and influences from persons such as parents, teachers etc.

I was reminded of this debate recently when I wondered do murderers cry? Do they have spouse, children, the cat or dog? Do they fall in love? Cry at the birth of their child?

I just cannot imagine how someone would get up and think to themselves "today I need to kill A, take my child to school, dispose of the evidence, go to the supermarket, get some more bullets, visit my mom, remember to send money for my child's school trip to the teacher, oh yes and before I forget I need to help with that science assignment".

It is hard to accept that someone could be so callous and yet care for people in their lives. Which leads me to think, if their love one is hurt do they forgive or get even?

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